Homeopathy is a 250-year-old system of medicine based on treating the individual with highly diluted substances, mainly in tablet form, which triggers the body’s natural system of healing.

Symptoms are seen as the body’s way of expressing disease or lack of balance, and each person will do this in their unique way.

Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘like cures like’; that is, a substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure those same symptoms in illness. For example, one remedy which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffea, a remedy made from coffee.

Our homeopathy service treats the person rather than the named disease, potentially helping patients with a wide range of conditions both acute and chronic. Illnesses commonly seen by homoeopaths include recurrent infections (such as tonsillitis, colds and cystitis), skin conditions, menstrual and menopausal problems, chronic fatigue and stress-related symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia.

  • During the initial consultation, you will be asked about yourself, lifestyle and symptoms, with the aim of finding the most appropriate remedy for you. Because a full history is vital to the understanding of your situation, this is usually a double session. After careful consideration of all the information, a remedy will be selected that best matches your symptoms and individual characteristics.

    Appointments can be 60 or 90 minutes.

    Because homeopathy treats the person rather than the disease label, there are no contraindications for treatment.

    However, in certain cases, a condition may temporarily worsen as the homoeopathic remedy offers the body a re-balancing stimulus.

    If you wish for some indication of the likelihood of this happening in your case, you can ask to speak to the homeopath prior to making an appointment.

  • Post-session, we recommend that you permit rest.

  • The number and frequency of consultations required varies according to symptoms and the length of time you have had them.

    As a general rule of thumb the more chronic the condition, the longer the treatment plan is likely to be.

    Generally, you can expect to have an appointment on a monthly basis for a number of months, depending on your response to treatment.

    However, it is helpful to remember that homeopathy can be used on an ongoing basis to support long-term health, in conjunction with the care offered by your medical practice.


Homeopathy Practitioners


Homeopathic Dispensing Service

A dispensing service is available through Mulberry House Homeopathics, where the full range of Helios Homeopathic remedies, kits and creams are available to buy.

We also offer made-to-order personalised preparations, for example: higher-potency remedies for labour, specially-made soft remedies for babies, and flower essence combinations.

Contact Lesley Munro: 0131 662 8925 for more information about this service.

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